Congratulations Katrina on both your PGCHE and full AHRC Scholarship.


Congratulations to Katrina our Academic CPD Administrator for completing the Postgraduate Certificate in HE incorporating HEA associate fellow status. The PGCHE provides a nationally recognised qualification for teaching and academic practice in HE. Upon completion, participants gain 60 masters’ level credits and have the option to proceed to the masters in Higher Education. Katrina registered for the complete Master of Arts in Higher Education (MA) but decided to exit with an award, as she will be starting a PhD in September. Katrina said she found the experience an exciting challenge and different from her original discipline in history.  She chose to participate in the ‘Global Citizens’ workshop and admits she found it more interesting than she initially thought.  She particularly enjoyed the conversational aspect and discussions based around ‘What is a Global Citizen? Moreover ‘‘what can we do? This looked at the difficulties faced by international students in the UK and ways in which we could improve on their experience. The next chapter on her journey was ‘HE today, the core unit for non-teaching staff.  This looked at the HE landscape and modern universities incorporating different perspectives/priorities on what a university looks like within professional services, stakeholders etc. TALENT was an opportunity for Katrina to deliver her first short teaching session entitled ‘Challenges historians face when using primary sources’. This experience highlighted how different teaching is when compared to delivering a conference paper.  Katrina thoroughly enjoyed microteaching and the feedback she received was a wonderful confidence boost. This teaching session is now available as a UTA resource for ILTA and TALENT students.

Katrina has also succeeded in winning a full scholarship from the AHRC to do a PhD on Veteran soldiers in medieval literature. This will be full time starting in October and will be part of the returning soldier network.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish Katrina the very best on this new and exciting chapter in her life. Very well deserved!

Click on this link if you would like to read more:-

You can contact Katrina on:

Twitter @katrinaingram5

Tel: 4673

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