Celebrating a very special Collaborative Teaching Excellence recognition at @manmetuni >>> MetMUnch @metmunch our winners of the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence 2020, our warmest congratulations

The Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence awarded by AdvanceHE, have just been announced.  This year, we are delighted to share with you that MetMUnch has been recognised nationally with this prestigious award.

The student-led social enterprise MetMUnch

MetMUnch is a global award-winning, student-led social enterprise based at Manchester Metropolitan University, which was started back in 2011. At its heart is a passion for sustainable and nutritious food – and sharing that with students, staff, local businesses and communities. The MetMUnch Team run a whole range of sessions, from on-the-spot nutritional advice and running pop-up stalls, to cooking nutritious meals and leading fun, interactive activities.

The MetMUnch Team is diverse; made up of people from different cultures, different parts of the University, and different generations. The team is also multi-layered. Embedded in the Environment Team, the core team consists of two members of staff – Haleh Moravej and Dean Brookes – and 10 student leaders from across the University.

These leadership roles rotate – students get recruited from every faculty in their first year and, and when they graduate, they continue to get involved in MetMUnch events, as well as linking them to the companies and organisations they work for.

MetMunch helps these students develop skills, knowledge and experience to promote health and wellbeing, and then apply it in a range of sessions, workshops and public engagement events. Students in the team enrich their university experience with entrepreneurial and creativity skills, all with sustainability at heart. For everyone involved, it’s an environment where ideas and innovation receive the support they need to flourish.

UTA asked Haleh Moravej, the MetMUnch founder, what it means to win a Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence. This is what she said:

“Enterprise education, entrepreneurship, sustainability and creativity are key traits needed in 21st century, to provide us with empowered people and a better planet. They have never been more important than now.

The Advance HE CATE award is even more special than my individual National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) award. This is because it is about our TEAM and the unlimited and collective creativity of the MetMUnch community, of the extraordinary people we work with, and the exceptional mentorship of Dr Chrissi Nerantzi over the last 6 years. Chrissi truly has been an inspiration to all of us at MetMUnch and I am very grateful for her compassion, kindness and for always pushing students and I beyond our comfort zone.

I would also like to thank Sam McVeigh (Assistant Director of HR), Jonathan Face (Assistant Director of Estates, Facilities and Capital Development) and Prof Rebecca Lawthom for their modern, empathic and inspirational leadership and support.

When I won my own NTF award for enterprise, sustainability and Nutritional Sciences in 2018, I was thrilled, humbled and expected massive personal transformation and limitless growth. The only way that was possible, was to pour all passion and energy into growing and empowering our team of exceptional students.

This was also a great opportunity to work with students and likeminded creative colleagues from different faculties. Learning more from Environment Team and collaborating with HR, Conferencing, MMU Sport, Widening Participation, International, First Generation, Jobs4Students and Catering Teams. During this time, I had the pleasure of working with Dean Brookes who has been wonderfully supportive, enthusiastic and student focused.

Together, we have been expanding and enforcing meaningful collaborations, along with some new and unexpected partnerships with internal university teams, charities, social enterprises and national organizations. The culmination of this is our student-led GROW Meat Free (GROW). GROW features a meat free café containing upcycled furniture, locally sourced food, and is staffed by students.  It has a packed programme of activities promoting healthy and sustainable habits, including creative workshops that have personal growth and wellbeing at the forefront.

Many thanks to Advance HE for recognizing, rewarding and valuing 10 years of empowerment, courage, curiosity, hard work and true experiential learning and connected teaching where the whole world became our classroom.”

Professor Helen Laville noted in her institutional supporting statement:

“As a modern university committed to education for sustainable development, the pioneering approach of the MetMUnch team is visible and articulate.  The MetMUnch Team, and its student leaders, work with many teams across our institution, both in academia and Professional Services. Together, they develop projects and initiatives around sustainability, enterprise and nutrition, which have a wider impact across the institution and beyond.

The creative pedagogical work, which begins experientially in the classroom, is not contained there, and has challenged the typical institutional structures. Through commitment, hard work and creativity, the team has created synergies and collaborations that have a real impact on our students, their learning and their journey after graduation. MetMUnch is a movement we are proud of embodying our priorities for student education, employment and the planet.”

Our warmest congratulations to Haleh and the whole MetMUnch team! We are delighted and are looking forward to sharing their work further across the institution. Congratulations also to all CATE winner nationally!!!

Access them all at https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/Outstanding-teaching-recognised-in-the-2020-Teaching-Excellence-Awards-for-Higher-Education

Celebrating a very special Teaching Excellence Recognition at @manmetuni >>> Dr Theresa Nicholson @thezzanicholson our National Teaching Fellow 2020, our warmest congratulations

The National Teaching Fellowship Awards by AdvanceHE, have just been announced.  This year, we are delighted to share with you that our colleague Dr Theresa Nicholson has been recognised nationally with this prestigious award.

Dr Theresa Nicholson, Reader, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Natural Sciences, Department Education Lead, NTF 2020

Theresa has pioneered many pedagogical innovations but is best known for her passionate and committed advocacy of inclusive learning and teaching. Theresa’s innovations have led to published research on aspects of curriculum development, student partnership, student engagement and belonging, technology enhanced learning, employability, and disabled student support. She works in partnership with students to develop curricula that enhance students’ sense of belonging to a learning community, and that promote engagement, performance and self-confidence. Theresa mentors academic colleagues to design and deliver teaching that recognises and celebrates learner diversity. She also develops policy around inclusive teaching that impacts on the wider HE community, and influences national practice through her contribution to Diversity in Geoscience UK (DiG-UK) and her staff development game Diversity Dash! which was developed with Kath Botham from UTA.

UTA asked Theresa what it means to her winning a National Teaching Fellowship. This is what she said:

“Egged on by some existing National Teaching Fellows, notably Professor Jennifer Hill from University of Gloucestershire who has been ‘on my case’ for many years, I applied with some diffidence. Self-confidence and self-belief have never been my forté. But knowing, that through this process, senior peers have commended my impact on Higher Education, considering it worthy of this prestigious award, has paradoxically made me feel both humble and buoyant simultaneously.

My background is a far cry from what was once considered the ‘traditional’ entry into academia. This fact drives my passion for equality of opportunity for all through an inclusive approach to curriculum design and delivery. One (or is it even two…) decade(s) ago, a combination of blind optimism and impassioned belief empowered me to begin a journey to overcoming the inevitable challenges rooted in curriculum change, and I feel privileged to have been able to influence the inclusion agenda within the University and beyond.

My NTF application gave me time to reflect on my teaching practice and consider how it might evolve in the future. I have never been afraid of a challenge, and am absolutely delighted to join a Higher Education fellowship of “people you cannot put in a box” (Haleh Moravej). This describes me perfectly – we will get on well! I anticipate that the award of a National Teaching Fellowship will create new external opportunities for me to collaborate in research, educational development and innovation. But ultimately, it’s all about the students, excellent teaching, and dare I say, transforming lives.”

Professor Helen Laville noted in her institutional supporting statement:

“Theresa has a passion for inclusive and effective teaching and a drive to support all her colleagues and the institution in enhancing teaching practice and curriculum development.

Theresa’s passion and drive to develop teaching practice is infectious and she has supported and mentored many colleagues across Manchester Met. She is recognised across the institution as a key leader in championing and developing teaching practice linked to inclusive teaching and curriculum and has led a number of key institution-wide initiatives that have resulted in changes in teaching practice and supported the development of inclusive curriculum across the whole institution. As well as being a champion of inclusive practice Theresa has also had an impact on teaching and learning practice nationally as an expert in her field and through her work with geography professional organisations, conference organisation and conference presentations, publications and external mentorship.”

The University Teaching Academy supports and mentors colleagues and teams who have the potential to be awarded an NTF/CATE in the future. For further information, please access http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ntfs/index.php. Please note, the call for expressions of interest for next year’s institutional submission will open in September with an online session and special guests on the 21st September at 2pm.

Our warmest congratulations to Theresa! We are delighted and are looking forward to sharing her work further across the institution. Congratulations also to all NTF winners nationally!!!

Access them all at https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/Outstanding-teaching-recognised-in-the-2020-Teaching-Excellence-Awards-for-Higher-Education

Making a difference symposium organised by the Association of National Teaching Fellows @ntf_tweet

Two-day event at Birmingham City University on 28th-29th March on the topic of ‘Making a Difference’

You are warmly invited to book on to this symposium, organised by the Association of National Teaching Fellows but open to everyone at Edgbaston, with the daytime events at BCU Edgbaston, the dinner at Edgbaston Cricket Club and accommodation (if required) bookable at a discount at Birmingham University’s new Edgbaston Conference Centre.  Supported by AdvanceHE, the event is very competitively-priced due to the generosity of BCU’s Vice-Chancellor, NTF Philip Plowden who is not charging NTF for the use of rooms on their campus. There is a full programme of workshops, plenaries and panels, including keynotes by Theo Gilbert, the Times Higher Innovative Teacher of 2018 on ‘Making a Difference though Compassionate Teaching’ and NTFs Haleh Morajev and Viv Rolfe in tandem on ‘Making a difference to students’ and staff wellbeing’.  A full day strand on day one led By Pauline Kneale, Jenny Winter and Ruth Pilkington is based on their HEA-funded project on Evaluating Teaching Impact, and the Friday morning offers an option for those aiming to achieve personal chairs led by the Professors in Preparation network.  The whole two-day event is £250, with reductions for day delegates and NTF/CATE winners.

The event is bookable via the AdvanceHE website   https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/node/813​​

Triple Teaching Excellence delights at @manmetuni!!! @halehmoravej @mahse1 & @gm_synergy

The National Teaching Fellowship Awards and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence awarded by AdvanceHE (previously Higher Education Academy), have just been announced.  This year, we are delighted to share with you that further colleagues, individually and in teams, from Manchester Met in collaboration with other higher education institutions have been recognised nationally with these prestigious awards!

The Manchester Academy of Healthcare Scientist Education (MAHSE) under the leadership of Prof. Phil Padfield, formerly of The University of Manchester (UoM) and deputy-leadership of Carol Ainley, Head of School of Healthcare Science at Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester Met) in collaboration with the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Salford, the University of Liverpool and partner NHS Trusts have been awarded a prestigious Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence by AdvanceHE.

The MAHSE team consists of Carol Ainley (Manchester Met), Philip Padfield (UoM), Kate Smith (MAHSE/UoM), Michael Carroll (Manchester Met), Angela Davies (UoM), Ruth Barnes (UoM), Andrew Brass (UoM),  Emma Jenkinson (UoM), Philip Macdonald (UoM), Martin Stout (Manchester Met), Kai Uus (UoM),  Keith Winwood (Manchester Met),  James Bazley (MAHSE/Manchester Met), Ewan Chamings (MAHSE/UoM), Shazia Dar (MAHSE/UoM), Louisa-Jane Smith (MAHSE/UoM), Sarah Williams (MAHSE/UoM), Lindsey Brown (MAHSE lay rep), Manoj Mistry (MAHSE lay rep), Garry McDowell (Manchester Met) and the wider teaching teams across the collaborative partners.

The Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education (MAHSE) was established in 2012 with the aim of consolidating and expanding existing collaborations between The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, The University of Salford and partner NHS Trusts that underpin the delivery of Clinical Science Masters programmes, which constitute the academic component of the NHS science training programme (STP). It was recognised that, by pooling expertise and working together, bids from a consortium of Greater Manchester universities would be stronger than the sum of individual bids. The vision was to create a community of practice for the education of NHS trainee healthcare scientists where taught programmes cross-institutional boundaries to provide the trainees the best possible education combined with an excellent student experience.

MAHSE has developed a cross-institutional collaborative programme in a complex space that has been recognised as an exemplar of teaching innovation, excellence and imagination where students have a strong sense of belonging, are co-producers and learn and work within a community. The MAHSE team has developed a highly individualised approach to student learning, which ensures that students feel that they are the centre of activity. The MAHSE team have a relentless drive for excellence and innovation. Their approach to technology enhanced learning has been cutting edge. Their leadership on Virtual Reality as a teaching tool has fed-forward into institutional plans for the development of AR and VR to science teaching across the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The team also worked in close collaboration with academics across the university to develop a common approach to the production of our Massive Open Online Courses.

“MAHSE demonstrates an effective and energetic approach to working across the complex institutional frameworks of multiple HE institutions, health care providers, professional bodies and a determination to deliver innovative and exciting teaching.

“To have established a collaboration that services as an exemplar of teaching innovation, excellence and imagination is an outstanding accomplishment.”

Prof. Helen Laville, PVC Education

MAHSE’s AdvanceHE profile

UniofSalford_J.Leigh_Image1The Greater Manchester (GM) Synergy under the leadership of Lisa Littlewood (University of Salford, Director of Placement & Practice Learning) and Jacqueline Leigh (University of Salford, Reader in Teaching & Learning).

The steering team comprises of senior leaders operating from within the multiple GM universities and healthcare organisations, with the team leader situated in the University of Salford. From Manchester Metropolitan University members of the Nursing Department (Jon Clough and Trish Morgan), alongside the HPSC Faculty Lead for Placements (Stuart Roberts), have been key figures in ensuring that this collaborative approach was implemented with their Practice colleagues.

Four Greater Manchester (GM) universities provide undergraduate nursing programmes situated within the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), a vanguard site for testing new models of health and social care. The GM universities involved with the project are University of Salford, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Manchester, and University of Bolton.

The GM universities have a strong relationship and history of collaboration. Since 2009, GM Hospital Trusts, the four universities and Health Education England have worked together as the Greater Manchester Practice Education Group (GMPEG) to operationalise the practice component of the undergraduate nursing programme.

Influenced by evidence from the 2012 Willis Commission on the future of nursing education, and their own practice, the team identified coaching as an effective model for student nurse support in practice. The coaching model advocated by Willis is the Collaborative Learning in Practice model (CLiP™).

Subsequently in this context, a team was formed to develop a new and innovative GMCA model of support for student nurses in clinical practice. Working together and alongside three Partner NHS Trusts (Bolton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Northern Care Alliance NHS Group), they developed a bespoke GM Synergy Model for student support in practice placements that is based upon coaching ideologies with an emphasis on delivering patient-centred care, promoting student nurse clinical leadership development and peer learning.

The team has broken down the silos and organisational boundaries that in the past would have prevented the success and sustainability of the project. For example, Practice Education Facilitator Champions in each healthcare organisation are utilising GM standardised resources to seamlessly convert student practice placements into GM Synergy placement areas, which has significantly increased student nurse placement capacity.

“The GM Synergy project has been an amazing experience, and also an honour to be a part of. The collaboration by all of the organisations involved has shown the impact working closely can have on the student experience in a practice placement setting. With a strong emphasis on patient centred care, clinical leadership and peer learning, students from differing HEIs have been able to learn together under the GM Synergy coaching model.”

[Stuart Roberts, Manchester Metropolitan University, Principal Lecturer in Placements and Employability, Faculty of Health, Psychology & Social Care]

GM Synergy AdvanceHE profile

Haleh’s, the MAHSE and GM Synergy teams’ contributions to Manchester Met is a manifestation of our commitment to the goals, principles and the Education Strategy. We are truly delighted to be able to capitalise on the energies of such excellent colleagues within and beyond our institution who work tirelessly to create excellent learning opportunities for our students in collaboration and in partnership with colleagues, students and further stakeholders.

We are looking forward to working closer with this year’s NTF and CATE winners and share their good practice and innovations further across the institution. We would like to thank them for making such a significant contribution to the student experience!

The National Teaching Fellowship is a prestigious recognition for teaching excellence that is awarded since 2000 by the Higher Education Academy (since 2018 AdvanceHE) to a limited number of academics and other professional who teach or support learning in the United Kingdom  to celebrate their significant contributions to learning and teaching. The Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence was introduced in 2016 by the Higher Education Academy (since 2018 AdvanceHE) and celebrates outstanding contribution of teams across an institution and cross-institutionally in learning and teaching.

The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching supports and mentors colleagues and teams who have the potential to be awarded an NTF/CATE in the future. For further information, please access http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ntfs/index.php.

Our warmest congratulations to this year’s Manchester Met NTF and CATE winners and all winners nationally!!!

The call for NTF applications is now open!

Dear colleagues,

hea_sia_jpg_fit_to_width_inlineWe would like to inform you that the Higher Education Academy has made an announcement that the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTF) and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) will be offered again this year. The official call for the NTF opened on the 12th of February and the deadline for institutional submission is the 30th of April. The CATE call will open on the 5th of March with further information released then.

CELT has created a special section for colleagues and teams to submit their expressions of interest via a webform to be considered for a National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) or Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) application.

Expression of interest for an NTF application http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ntfs/index.php

Expression of interest for CATE application http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/good_practice/recognising/cate.php

On the NTF page, you will find the HEA NTF guidelines under Applying for Fellowship http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ntfs/index.php

 National Teaching Fellowship support event

This will take place on the  the 8th of March at 11am at Manchester Metropolitan University. Colleagues from Manchester Met and from across the region are very welcome to join this.

Please register at  http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/cpd/viewcourse.php?unit_id=28

Further support events have been scheduled across the UK. Please follow the tweet below.


Colleagues from CELT will then be in touch and support individuals and teams before a decision at institutional level is made, about which applications will be submitted to the Higher Education Academy.

The institution is entitled to put forward three NTF applications and one CATE application.

Please share this message with colleagues and teams who deserve to be recognised for their excellence in teaching nationally.