Exploring the Idea of Personal Pedagogies #creativeHE conversation 27-31 March 2017

All higher education teachers are unique: in their formation and development as a teacher each has followed a different pathway involving different experiences and influences. The way they think about learning and teaching (pedagogical thinking) has been derived from many sources and in this conversation we want to explore, through the multiple perspectives of  participants, what a ‘personal pedagogy’ might mean.
Over 5 days participants will be encouraged to reflect on their formation as a teacher and how they came to hold the knowledge, beliefs, interests and values they now hold as a teacher and how this pedagogical thinking influences their practices. The pedagogical narratives we share will help test, develop and give meaning to the idea of a personal pedagogy.
You can join the #creativeHE conversation at: https://plus.google.com/communities/110898703741307769041
The conversation which begins at 08.00(UK) on March 27, is our contribution to
World Open Education Week https://www.openeducationweek.org/
Prof. Norman Jackson and the #creativeHE team

Imagineering in higher education begins SUNDAY APRIL 17TH #creativeHE

GooglePlusLogoJoin us at 

One of the aims of the annual World Creativity and Innovation Week (April 15-21) is to encourage people to use their imaginations to solve problems that are relevant to their work. To celebrate WCIW and show that higher education is involved in the problem of creating a more creative society, #creativeHE is offering a social learning event in collaboration with ‘Creative Academic’.

Imagineering involves using imagination to create ideas and invent possible ways in which these ideas might be implemented. The context for this imagineering event is the enhancement of students’ and teachers’ creativity and creative development in higher education.

This social learning and sharing experience is open to anyone who would like to use and share their imaginations. While the main focus is on higher education you don’t have to work in higher education to participate. The process is being supported by a team of facilitators – Chrissi, (Founder #creativeHE) Norman, (Fonder Creative Academic), Jenny, Nikos, Rafaela, Roger, Sandra and Sue.

Each day will begin with an image, animation or video clip which will be posted at 7am on the #creativeHE platform, together with an invitation to share your ideas, feelings and experiences in response to this stimulus.

What does being creative mean in your own practice contexts?
Where do good ideas come from?
Thinking like a designer?
Learning from the experience of a creative professional?
Techniques for encouraging creativity in higher education?

CO-CREATING MEANING: Social learning is about creating and co-creating new meaning. On the final day of this event we would like you to create a digital artefact to represent something important that you have learnt through this process. Your creation can take any form and be in any medium for example blog posts, illustration, animation, story, poem, something physical or virtual that you have made or anything else conjured up by your imagination.

Everyone who completes this task is entitled to the #creativeHE imagineering digital badge awarded by Creative Academic.

CURATION: At the end of the process ‘highlights and insights’ from the conversation will be published in a special edition of Creative Academic Magazine (CAM4B).

We hope this event will be of interest and value to you and that you will enjoy the experience.

The #creativeHE team

The 12 Apps of Christmas are back! #12AoC @12AoC @mmulibrary Join us this festive season

Are you interested in exploring which free mobile apps could help you in your teaching or supporting your students? Have you ever thought about taking part in an open course but were worried it would take too much of your time? Would you like to take part in a fun, free, practical online course this December?

Then the 12 Apps of Christmas could be for you!

Watch a short intro here

Last year, hundreds of educators and librarians around the world took part in a new open course hosted by Regent’s University London – the 12 Apps of Christmas.  In just a few minutes a day, they learned about and tried out a range of free mobile apps with potential classroom use, built a community of practice, and had fun doing so.

The course was a success, winning the Credo Digital Information Literacy Award and inspiring people to run versions at other institutions.

Now, the original is back – better than ever! From 1st to 16th December this year, we will be presenting Christmas 2.0 and MMU is taking part in this festive adventure.

There are two specific 12 Apps for Christmas opportunities for all staff and students at MMU brought to you by Regent’s University London in collaboration with CELT and the MMU Library, we would like to bring to your attention:

  1. The open course 12 Apps for Christmas 2015 led by Regent’s University which will offer a completely new range of carefully selected apps, while keeping to the same simple, entertaining formula which made it so successful last year. Expect guest posts, engaging hands-on activities, and a chance to be part of a friendly, enquiring community of educators worldwide supported by a small group of facilitators from different institutions, including colleagues from CELT MMU. And for those of you who took part last year – just in case you are wondering… the Christmas cracker jokes will be back… To enrol on the 12 Apps of Christmas 2015 course, click here
  2. To discover a different 12 Apps in a bite-sized way follow MMU Library’s 12 Apps of Christmas. Every day, the Library will be revealing an App that you may find useful for work, study, group work or just for fun. To follow just visit http://libguides.mmu.ac.uk/12apps or any of the library social media accounts (@mmulibrary for example). Please note, no registration is required to access or engage in these activities.

CELT (@mmu_celt) will be supporting together with colleagues from other institutions the open course 12 Apps for Christmas led by Regent’s University and join in with the MMU Library’s 12 Apps for Christmas via Twitter.

We will all come together via Twitter using the hashtag #12AoC. You can also follow the Twitter account @12AoC. Please join us there so that we can share our experiences, ideas and learn together within a distributed community.

See you soon to celebrate learning together during this festive season,

Chris Rowell @chrisrowell, Regent’s University London, #RUL12AoC organiser & lead facilitator together with further colleagues from RUL
Eric Stoller @ericstoller, Education consultant & speaker
Sue Beckingham @suebecks, Sheffield Hallam University, facilitator
Chrissi Nerantzi @chrissinerantzi, Manchester Metropolitan University, facilitator

#BYOD4L open CPD opportunity > join us on the 14th of July #flexcpd @byod4l


Dear colleagues,

We would like to bring the following to your attention:

The Media-Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group (MELSIG) in collaboration with the support of 5 institutions (Manchester Metropolitan University, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Sussex, University of Ulster and London Metropolitan University) and further colleagues from other institutions, is offering for the second time the popular:

‘Bring Your Own Device for Learning’ course (or short BYOD4L) 14-18 July 2014

BYOD4L is a bite-size open course over 5 days for students and teachers in HE but also anybody else who would like to learn with us how we can utilise our digital devices for professional, lifelong and lifewide learning.

Together we will explore the following topics (5Cs):

  • Connecting
  • Communicating
  • Curating
  • Collaborating
  • Creating

Using an inquiry-based approach that will enable us to learn with others and/or on our own within a supportive community. You are very welcome to join one or all the above topics and work towards an open badge or two 😉 There will be six open badges available in total. One for each topic and a course badge if you successfully complete the whole course.

We also plan to offer a face-to-face session to all BYOD4L participants from MMU which will be led by Dr Magdalena Bober and Cathrine Wasiuk.

Join Magda, Cathrine and other MMU colleagues on Thursday the 17th July, 10am-12pm,  Geoffrey Manton 201c. 

If you would like to find out more about #BYOD4L and join, please have a look at http://byod4learning.wordpress.com

Feel free to follow @melsiguk on Twitter to keep up-to-date with all course announcements. The course hashtag is #BYOD4L.

Please note, this is a registration-free course. We would however like to invite you to consider completing the initial survey if you decide to participate in the course. This can be found at http://byod4learning.wordpress.com/surveys/initial-survey/.Thank you in advance for completing this.

We look forward learning together in July. A pre-course chat will take place on the 8th of July. Check the site for further information.


Please extend this invite to others who might be interested in joining us. Thank you very much.

Chrissi Nerantzi (@chrissnerantzi) & Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) for the @byod4l team

ps. BYOD4L is part of FLEX. For more information, please access  http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/flex/

open course/unit Assessment in HE starts this week! @assessmentinhe

MMU is offering an open online version of its PGCert Option Unit  ‘Assessment in HE’ which is running from 16 May.

We have opened it up in order to provide an opportunity to develop a network of people interested in assessment in higher education and to share experiences and conventions from other universities.

If you are interested in joining in, the basic information is available at the course site http://aheo14.wordpress.com/ – follow us on Twitter @assessmentinHE too.

The course will open on 16 May with a webinar at 12pm UK time. Everyone is welcome; please feel free to pass this message on to colleagues who may be interested.

If you would like to contribute a case study, webinar, or example of good practice, then please do let us know, or just add it to the community as the course develops.

Best wishes

Dr R Forsyth
Principal Lecturer for Curriculum Development and Innovation